Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Get your gabba on adlays!

So, i have a few adlay friends who no matter where we are always gabba and shuffle to all and any music. For those that don't know what a lad is, they are generally guys that dress a certain way which is usually with TNs, Dry Fit's, Nautica clothing and bum bags. They are usually the ones that tag and usually travel in groups. This is not an accurate description by any means just a general description based mainly on my friends.

This is totally nothing to do with music but i thought this Lad description was hilarious so i had to post it: (from UrbanDictionary.com)
Lad: An australian youth subculture centred around individuals who hang out in gangs, engage in petty theft, pick fights, vandalise property and use foul language which generally involves a great deal of pig latin. Hence the terms "adlay" and "eshays". Lads generally wear white caps tilted up at the front to show the front part of their hair which is often gelled. The strap of the cap is done up tight at the back and the possibility of a rats tails or other such hair style dangling out the back is common. They can be seen wearing white polo shirts, or polo shirts of other colours with short shorts (striped parachute/tracksuit pants in winter) and trainers. They sport brands such as Nautica, Saucony, Nike and Everlast and in addition to this wear ridiculously small bags usually scrawled with graffiti. 'Lads' are now commonplace is many areas of Sydney including but not limited to the inner west, outer west, north west, south and south-west. 'Lads' can be found in most high schools throughout the Sydney metropolitan area, they have a gang mentality which enables them to gain physical superiority over other groups and subcultures and are disliked by the general population. They can often be seen hanging around train stations and shopping centres or just roaming the streets in search of trouble. Lads are generally into rave music and in particular hardstyles such as gabber. They also engage in tagging as graffiti is a large part of the subculture. Lad girls wear similar clothing and often have their hair gelled and tied back tightly, giving it a shiny, sleek and some might say greasy quality.
[i thought it was a hilarious definition.]

Anyways, seeing my friends dance always cracks me up, though it is a good way to dance to music particularly hardstyle and techno music, because it is somewhat underground here, i plan to just share with you this very unique way of dancing known as gabba. The videos below show people doing the gabba its quite entertaining.

Below is a snippet of Defquon and their music which i am also digging at the moment and beneath that is a clip of some guys doing the gabba at the concert in 09.

Im quite ecclectic with my styles of music listening and liking different genres which is why i think it is important to get to know and appreciate and listen to different types of music whether it be hip hop, pop, heavy metal, all music needs to be appreciated and your not a true lover of music if your ignorant to other types of genres.